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"On stage I did not recognize myself, everything was frozen": Zazie regrets her recourse to cosmetic surgery


Journalist Sophie Davant asked Zazie about her relationship to aging. The singer admits to regretting her cosmetic surgery operations and declares to be against "youth".

Zazie no longer wants to have cosmetic surgery.

This is what she declares in the November-December 2022 issue of the bimonthly magazine

S, Le Magazine de Sophie Davant


"I tried stuff once or twice and it was horrible, because I have a pretty mobile face and on stage I didn't recognize myself, everything was frozen.

So they won't catch me there...", promises the singer who, in fact, had been tempted by botox injections twenty years ago, as she revealed in an interview with the newspaper

Le Parisian

in 2018. Today, the fifties no longer intends to try to appear less than her age: "I am not for youth, I am for" freshness "",


I want to have that sparkling look that I see in some older women.

Zazie in “S” magazine

Sophie Davant continues the interview by asking Zazie if aging scares her.

“Frankly, no”, answers the artist, who prefers to adopt an optimistic vision: “If the years that I have left to live are not as joyful, festive, flirtatious as the previous ones, that would make me really sad.

I sincerely believe that it is up to us (to me) to ensure that they are.

I want to have that sparkling look that I see in some older women.

And that comes from within,” she adds.

Read also“I got old, it’s normal”: Zazie responds to criticism of her white hair

However, the singer-songwriter admits that it is not always easy to advance in age in the spotlight.

“This job requires me to grow up quickly, to age quickly.

The more difficult it is, then I have the impression that the eyes of others are heavy, the more I learn to be at peace with myself and to ignore the way society looks at me, ”she admits.

First white hair

In this interview, the ex-jury of

The Voice

also confides that his “first white wick” appeared during the confinements during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since then, the interpreter of

I am a man

has decided to assume his white hair: “I make sure to be in harmony with nature, I am not telling you that it is easy vis-à-vis the society, it's difficult even between me and me", she admits, before concluding the subject by reiterating her point of view on the passage of time: "I really believe that it is better to be a ridiculous old woman than to try to rejuvenate itself”.

In video: these celebrities who assume their gray hair

The stars assume their wrinkles

In images, in pictures

See the slideshow17 photos

See the slideshow17 photos

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2022-12-01

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